
One company one team! |
Mülheim Pipe Coating GmbH (MPC) is a 100%
subsidiary of EUROPIPE GmbH in Germany and is a steel pipe coater.
Since many years MPC is our regular Customer while coating different gas and oil pipeline projects.
In particular we have been an important supplier for NORD STREAM I & II gas pipeline projects.
For this opportunity, we have supplied all our thermoplastic PE coating materials: PE adhesive "Coesive® L8.92.8 (u)", HDPE top coat "Luxene® HDPE 2050" and PE rough-coat "Luxene® HDPE 2050 (e) P".
During the first quarter of 2014, MPC was qualifying materials for a 3LPP (Three Layers Polypropylene)
application for the gas offshore project called "SOUTH STREAM".
Pipes had to be exposed to a higher temperature during coating application than usual, and due to the required
temperature, MPC was facing some irregularities visible on the adhesive layer.
Even though all lab tests results were within the requirements of the specification, these irregularities were
not accepted by MPC, and then by SOUTH STREAM representatives and inspectors.
MPC challenged Industrie Polieco MPB (MPB) to take part to the project by
adjusting MPB standard "Proesive® R.3.HT" (PP adhesive material) to
the specific application requirements.
Timing was clearly an issue as there was indeed urgency for a technical solution.
MPC and MPB went through the evaluation of three samples: a standard grade "Proesive® R.3.HT" and two modified
We organized an overnight delivery of the standard adhesive material.
This was the first shipment, among others, that took place within a short period of time.
As soon as the material arrived, MPC applied it and reported to us the material performances and the observed
Information was necessary to enable our team to focus the research in the right direction.
A second overnight delivery was organized, followed by a third one which was going to be the final adjusted
revision of "Proesive® R.3.HT".
Based on our internal trial at our pilot coating line, we knew that the 3rd version of "Proesive® R.3.HT" should have fully
responded to the new requirements, thus we wanted to be present at MPC plant
during the application.
Franco Vaccaro (Technical Manager) and Loredana Pernici (who held the role of Commercial & Marketing Director at
that time) witnessed what was supposed
to be the last application trial in Mülheim.
The test run successfully as expected.
We remarked the satisfaction of both MPC and SOUTH STREAM representatives.
Within 2 weeks we could adjust the formulation of the "Proesive® R.3.HT" to MPC's requirement.
At this time, our adhesive line was producing material for other Customers, but we have chosen to give priority
to the new-coming challenge from MPC, and to manage internally the ongoing deliveries.
Today MPC order for SOUTH STREAM project is our most valuable reward in
particular to our President, Mr. Tonelli, who approved to stop some of our facilities addressing all our efforts
to solve MPCs situation.
Copyright © 2013 Industrie Polieco M.P.B. S.p.A. Via E. Mattei, 49 - 25046 Cazzago S. Martino (BS) - Italy P.IVA 00584520985 - Registo Imprese Brescia e C.F. 00873510176 - R.E.A. BS 215960 - Mecc. BS 001633 Capitale Sociale Euro 11.111.111,00 i.v. Privacy Policy - Cookie Policy - Whistleblowing